Tax Increment Financing (TIF)
Project Application
What is TIF &
What is its impact?
The Johnson City Development Authority (JCDA) is authorized under Tennessee Code Annotated Section 13-20-201 to use Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to provide unique financing opportunities to encourage private development where without public sector participation that development would not otherwise occur. The JCDA, in conjunction with the City of Johnson City, Tennessee, and Washington County, Tennessee, uses TIF to encourage economic revitalization and promote investment of private funding into a targeted redevelopment district or project which has been documented as experiencing blight and decline. These investments build new tax revenue for the community by increasing the value of properties and then reinvesting those dollars into the specific area so that it benefits from public infrastructure, job generating and economically beneficial projects, and additional sales tax revenue for the entire community. The Downtown Johnson City district area, specifically, has been authorized for TIF funds to promote the growth and redevelopment of the historic, traditionally urban area.

Former TIF Projects